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Sabtu, 01 November 2008


Use a good home made stock for this soup, its adds a far greater depth of flavour than stock made from cubes.

serves 4

50 g/20z/4 tbsp butter 150 ml/1 1/4pint/1/2 cup Greek-style yougurt
2 leeks. sliced salt and ground black pepper
450g/1 lb carrot,sliced 30-45 ml/2-3 tbsp chopped fresh coriander, to garnish
15 ml/1 tbsp ground coriander
1,2 litter/2 pints/5 cups chicken

1. Melt the butter in a large saucepan. Add the leeks and carrots and stir well, coating the vegetables with the butter. Cover with a tight-fitting lid and cook for about 10 minutes, until the vegetables are beginning to soften but not colur.

2. Stir in the ground coriander and cook for about 1 minute. Pour in the stock and season to taste with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes, until the leeks and carrots are tender.
3. Leave to cool slightly, then puree the soup in a blender until smooth. Return The soup to the pan and add about 30 ml/2 tbsp of the yogurt, then taste the soup and adjust the seasoning again to taste. Reheat gently but do not boil.

4. Ladle the soup into bowls and put a spoonful of the remaining yogurt in the centre of each. Scatter over the coriander and serve immediately.

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